Alayne Blickle began in the 1990’s as a pioneer in water conservation and natural resources conservation by creating the entrepreneurial consulting business, Horses for Clean Water. Horses for Clean Water has become an award-winning, internationally acclaimed education program that looks for horse-healthy, nature-based solutions to land-management challenges. She continues this work today partnering with agencies, organizations, and horse owners throughout North America and world-wide. She is a regularly contributing writer and photojournalist to several equine publications.
She keeps her education current in areas of sustainable agronomy, natural resource management, rangeland ecology, soil health, and equine science. She has taken the Extension training programs for Master Composter/Recycler, Livestock Advisor, Living on the Land, and Master Gardener.
Matt Livengood is an NRHA, NRCHA, AQHA specialty, and ASHA judge/ trainer/show manager. Matt has been a National Reining Horse Association judge since 1999 and added AQHA ranch riding to the list in 2019. In 2020 Matt judged ranch riding and reining at the AQHA World Show. In 2022 he judged six multi-day upper-level NRHA shows across the country. Matt, a seasoned reining competitor, has competed in six Mustang Makeover events, reaching the finals in five and winning the 2017 Reno Extreme Mustang Makeover as well as the 2019 Cle Elum, WA Mustang Madness Freestyle.
He teaches riders and horses about ranch riding and ranch trail, as well as groundwork and starting mustangs at his home, Sweet Pepper Ranch, in Nampa, ID.

Alayne Blickle and Matt Livengood